Comparative analysis of dengue versus chikungunya outbreaks in Costa Rica


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Autores: Sánchez Peña, Fabio Ariel, Barboza Chinchilla, Luis Alberto, Burton, David, Cintrón Arias, Ariel
Formato: artículo original
Data de Publicación:2018
Descripción:For decades, dengue virus has been a cause of major public health concern in Costa Rica, due to its landscape and climatic conditions that favor the circumstances in which the vector, Aedes aegypti, thrives. The emergence and introduction throughout tropical and subtropical countries of the chikungunya virus, as of 2014, challenged Costa Rican health authorities to provide a correct diagnosis since it is also transmitted by the same vector and infected hosts may share similar symptoms. We study the 2015–2016 dengue and chikungunya outbreaks in Costa Rica while establishing how point estimates of epidemic parameters for both diseases compare to one another. Longitudinal weekly incidence reports of these outbreaks signal likely misdiagnosis of infected individuals: underreporting of chikungunya cases, while overreporting cases of dengue. Our comparative analysis is formulated with a single-outbreak deterministic model that features an undiagnosed class. Additionally, we also used a genetic algorithm in the context of weighted least squares to calculate point estimates of key model parameters and initial conditions, while formally quantifying misdiagnosis.
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Palabra crave:Dengue
SIR model
Vector-host system
Mathematical epidemiology
Parameter estimation
Genetic algorithm
571.986 728 6 Vectores de enfermedades