An Introduction to Symbolic data Analysis and its Application to the Sodas Project


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Autor: Diday, Edwin
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Data de Publicação:2000
Descrição:The data descriptions of the units are called "symbolic" when they are more complex than the standard ones due to the fact that they contain internal variation and are structured. Symbolic data happen from many sources, for instance in order to summarise huge Relational Data Bases by their underlying concepts. "Extracting knowledge" means getting explanatory results, that why, "symbolic objects" are introduced and studied in this paper. They model concepts and constitute an explanatory output for data analysis. Moreover they can be used in order to define queries of a Relational Data Base and propagate concepts between Data Bases. We define "Symbolic Data Analysis" (SDA) as the extension of standard Data Analysis to symbolic data tables as input in order to find symbolic objects as output. In this paper we give an overview on recent development on SDA. We present some tools and methods of SDA and introduce the SODAS software prototype (issued from the work of 17 teams of nine countries involved in an European project of EUROSTAT).
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Recursos:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Acesso em linha:
Access Level:acceso abierto
Palavra-chave:Symbolic Data Analysis
SODAS software
Symbolic objects
Relational Data Bases
Boolean symbolic objects
Modal symbolic objects
Complete symbolic object
Análisis Simbólico de Datos
software SODAS
Objetos Simbólicos
Bases de Datos Relacionales
Objetos Simbólicos Booleanos
Objetos Simbólicos Modales
Objeto Simbólico Completo