Stomatopods and decapods from Isla del Coco, Pacific Costa Rica


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Autori: Vargas Castillo, Rita, Wehrtmann, Ingo S.
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Datum izdanja:2008
Opis:A summary of the available information on stomatopod and decapod diversity of Isla del Coco and records of recently collected species during the CIMAR-MarViva expedition (January 2007) as well as the presence of yet unpublished specimens deposited in the Museo de Zoología, Universidad de Costa Rica, is reported. The material of the CIMAR-MarViva expedition comprised 23 species, including nine species new for the island. Revision of the collection of the Museo de Zoología, including two unpublished records, revealed the presence of additional 12 decapod species not previously reported for the island. Overall, a total of 135 species (6 stomatopods and 129 decapods) has been reported so far for the island, which harbors 29.5% of all decapod species known to occur along the Pacific mainland of Costa Rica, and 16.3% of all decapods reported for the Panamic Province. The most diverse families (including > 10 spp.) at Isla del Coco are Xanthidae (14 spp.), Majidae and Alpheidae (each 11 spp.), and Porcellanidae (10 spp.). There is a strong affinity of the stomatopod and decapod fauna of both Isla del Coco and Islas Galápagos. Rev. Biol. Trop. 56 (Suppl. 2): 79-97. Epub 2008 August 29.
Zemlja:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institucija:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Online pristup:
Ključna riječ:biodiversity
decapod crustaceans
Islas Galápagos
eastern tropical Pacific
crustáceos decapados
Pacífico Tropical Oriental