Thrixspermum patkaiensis sp. nov. (Vandeae: Aeridinae) from Assam, northeast India


Bibliografiska uppgifter
Upphovsman: Gogoi, Khyanjeet
Materialtyp: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Beskrivning:A new species of orchid, Thrixspermum patkaiensis from the tropical evergreen forest in Dehing Patkai National Park, Assam, India, is described. It is morphologically similar to T. musciflorum and T. formosanum but distinct from these species by the inflorescence 12–18 cm long; the lip with purplish bands and glandular hairy both side of the side lobes and the epichile forming a rim of glandular hairs.
Land:Portal de Revistas UCR
Organisation:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto
Nyckelord:Dehing Patkai
Flora of India
plant taxonomy
Thrixspermum formosanum
Thrixspermum musciflorum
Thrixspermum pygmaeum
Thrixspermum section Dendrocolla
Flora de India
taxonomía de plantas
Thrixspermum sección Dendrocolla