Inicio de la época reproductiva y tiempo de defensa del territorio en machos de Colinus leucopogon (Galliformes: Odontophoridae)


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Автор: Sandoval, Luis
Формат: artículo original
Статус:Versión publicada
Дата публикации:2011
Описание:Thefactors that determine the onset of the reproductive season and the rela-tionship between territory defense and mating success of Colinus leucopogon males are unknown. Here i report on climatic variables influencing the time of permanence on the territory, and how this affects the species mating success. i also analyze the relationship between the time devoted by males on territory defense and the relation-ship of song and territorial characteristics. The onset of the reproductive season was determined by an amount of rain greater than 14.3mm during March, favouring the food availability and nesting places abundance, and also allowed an increase in the reproductive success of Colinus leucopogon. The time invested in territory defense by males was not related with their mating success. Moreover, the duration in territory defense was similar for males that paired, compared with those that did not. in addition, song and territory characteristics were not related with males invested time in their territory defense. Therefore, this could be another reason explaining the lack of a relationship between the duration in the territories by males and pair formation, and suggests that song characteristics strongly influence the formation of pairs in this species.
Страна:Portal de Revistas UCR
Институт:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Ключевое слово:Codorniz de Monte Pechimanchada
época lluviosa
formación de parejas
comportamiento territorial
Spot-bellied Bobwhite
rain season
mating success
territory behaviour