एपीए उद्धरण

Mellink, E., & E. Riojas López, M. (2008). Waterbirds (other than Laridae) nesting in the middle section of Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México.

शिकागो स्टाइल उद्धरण

Mellink, Eric, और Mónica E. Riojas López. Waterbirds (other Than Laridae) Nesting in the Middle Section of Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México. 2008.

एमएलए उद्धरण

Mellink, Eric, और Mónica E. Riojas López. Waterbirds (other Than Laridae) Nesting in the Middle Section of Laguna Cuyutlán, Colima, México. 2008.

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