Conceptions of education quality according teaching perspective in University of Cuenca - Ecuador


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Autorzy: Cedillo Quizhpe, Cristina, Cabrera Ortiz, Freddy, Japón Gualán, Ángel
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Data wydania:2020
Opis:The aim of this article is to describe the education quality conceptions This descriptive-correlated study applied a survey named, “Cuestionario empleado en el Estudio de la Percepción de Profesorado Universitario sobre variables que afectan a la calidad de la educación universitaria” (EPPU) was given to a sample of 462 professors from the University of Cuenca, in Ecuador. The data was collected on 2018. For data analysis was used descriptive statistic and no parametric test The results show that: the conception of educational quality, most of the professors identify themselves with the idea that quality consists in educating students so that they become capable of assuming a social commitment. Moreover, the academics think that the university, as an institution, is identified with the idea that quality consists in the achievement of the institutional objectives and mission. There were no correlations of the students’ characteristics and the conception of educational quality with the variables sex, age and professors’ experience. Regarding student’s characteristics, professors highlight the vocation for studies and the attitude of students towards learning, which generates an effect on the improvement of educational quality according to professors. The study concludes that quality conceptions according to the university professors show a preference for quality as transformation focused on student training with social responsibility.
Kraj:Portal de Revistas UCR
Instytucja:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Słowo kluczowe:education quality
quality conceptions
higher education
calidad educativa
concepción de calidad
educación superior