Clustering, dispersion and sociodemographics characteristics in the spatial incorporation of Peruvians migrants in Córdoba, Argentina


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Autori: Gómez, Pablo Sebastián, Sánchez Soria, David
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Datum izdanja:2016
Opis:Objectives: to analyze the spatial patterns of Peruvian migration in the city of Cordoba, Argentina and to compare the Peruvian migrants in clusters with Peruvian migrants scattered in the city. Methods: Spatial statistical techniques and socio-demographic analysis are used for this analysis. In the first phase, global measures of spatial autocorrelation (Global Moran Index) and local measures of spatial clustering represent clusters of population (Getis-Ord Gi*). In the second phase, a sociodemographic analysis of population in clusters and population dispersed is carried out. Results: we suggest there are two entangled processes. First, the concentration in specific areas of the city of Peruvian migrants in patterns that are not random. Older migrants are mainly dispersed in the city while more recent migrants are concentrated. Second, dispersed Peruvian men have greater diversification in terms of occupational structure and better socioeconomic status than Peruvian migrants dispersed. Women both dispersed and in clusters have a more precarious economic situation than men. This situation is transversal to the dispersion / concentration in urban space. Conclusions: it is suggested that the composition of class, gender and temporality of migration flows articulate the modalities of incorporation in the society of destination.
Zemlja:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institucija:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Ključna riječ:migration
geographic mobility
population distribution
spatial statistics
movilidad geográfica
distribución de la población
estadística espacial