Citação norma APA

Martínez Esquivel, R., & Bartels Villanueva, J. (2013). An approach to technical change and the genesis of the industry in the region of Costa Rica Central Pacific during the second halfof the twentieth century.

Citação norma Chicago

Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo, y Jorge Bartels Villanueva. An Approach to Technical Change and the Genesis of the Industry in the Region of Costa Rica Central Pacific During the Second Halfof the Twentieth Century. 2013.

Citação norma MLA

Martínez Esquivel, Ricardo, y Jorge Bartels Villanueva. An Approach to Technical Change and the Genesis of the Industry in the Region of Costa Rica Central Pacific During the Second Halfof the Twentieth Century. 2013.

Nota: a formatação da citação pode não corresponder 100% ao definido pela respectiva norma.