Análisis ultraestructural de membranas de glóbulos grasos lácteos de calostro y leche humana


著者: Hernández, Francisco, Akahori, Hiroshi
フォーマット: artículo original
状態:Versión publicada
その他の書誌記述:Lacteous fat globules with their membranes from human milk and calostrum were studied by scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The first appear as spheroidal structures with some irregularities on the surface. Under the transmission electron microscope these irregularities are composed of islets from a material morphologically similar to cytoplasm, and with structures that resemble a fragment of rugose endoplasmic reticulum. The membranes in specimens fixed immediately after secretion are tri-layered, similar in appearance to those of a single membrane, but in samples fixed between two and four hours after secretion the details are unclear. Through freeze-etching, the laminar aspect of the fat globules is observed.
国:Portal de Revistas UCR
機関:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto