Performance of doulas in the care of the woman and her family during the gestational period, delivery and postpartum in Costa Rica


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Egileak: Rodríguez Fernández, Beatriz, Durán Castillo, Katherine
Formatua: artículo original
Egoera:Versión publicada
Argitaratze data:2015
Deskribapena:AbstractIntroduction: This research represents an approach to performance in doulas care with pregnant women and their families in Costa Rica which is can demonstrate knowledge that possess them in their interventions with pregnant women and their families.Methods: we conducted a qualitative research, with a focus on the model proposed by Maxwell. Using the ethnographic method for the achievement of the proposed objectives. For the collection of the information were conducted in-depth interviews and observations, among other things to a group of seven doulas working in Costa Rica independently.Primary outcome: all doulas in our country are trained in alternative practices to complement their work, most of doulas conducted practices and interventions that do not form part of the "international" profile since we don´t have an entity that regulates the work of doulas in Costa Rica.Conclusions: continuous support to the woman and her family throughout her pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum by a qualified person and which respects the principles of ethical practice, improves the experience of childbirth and reduces the risks of an adverse event for the mother or the baby, this is why it’s important to educate the population of nurse-midwives to improve the quality of care provided to expectant mothers and promote the continuous support.
Herria:Portal de Revistas UCR
Erakundea:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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