The models of territorial organization and management of the protected areas of the São Paulo coast with a focus on the Ilha do Cardoso State Park


Bibliografiset tiedot
Tekijät: de Lima Silva, Jéssica, de Oliveira, Regina Célia
Aineistotyyppi: artículo original
Tila:Versión publicada
Kuvaus:This article analyzes the models of territorial and institutional organization of the Protected Areas of the South Coast of the State of São Paulo, focusing on the Ilha do Cardoso State Park - PEIC. Considerations are given regarding the importance of the organization of the Mosaics of Protected Areas of the South Coast and the role of the PEIC in the Conservation of biodiversity. Aspects of the unfolding of the institutionalization of the Park and its reflections are presented today. Coastal Protected Areas suffer from a series of land use pressures and socio-environmental issues. Significant changes have occurred in the Park in recent years, among which are the frequent needs that have arisen in the effort to reconcile the strategies of Management and Participatory Management with the demands of the traditional populations and their activities. Thus, management strategies are necessary in order for the objectives and functionalities of this Conservation Unit to be effective.
Maa:Portal de Revistas UNA
Organisaatio:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Sanahaku:Protected Areas. Territorial Planning of the South Coast of São Paulo. Ilha do Cardoso State Park.
Áreas protegidas. Ordenación Territorial del Litoral Sur de São Paulo. Parque Estatal Ilha do Cardoso.
Áreas Protegidas. Ordenamento Territorial do Litoral Sul de São Paulo. Parque Estadual Ilha do Cardoso.