Memoires of My Life as a Student at Instituto Pedagógico, Universidad de Chile. 1951-1956


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Verfasser: Barrera Romero, Manuel
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Beschreibung:This memoir is a simple story of my experience as student of Philosophy at the Pedagogical Institute of the University of Chile in the 50s. In those times, this academic unit attracted professors and students interested in the culture, the art, and the subjects of the political development of the country. In its classrooms and the patios of the campus, an atmosphere of great cultural wealth was lived. It was an important center in the national evolution towards an intellectual opening of a very conservative society. After the military coup of September of 1973, the Institute was taken and split from the University of Chile, creating a wanted University of Educational Sciences. In this way, a dispersion of professors and students took place, many of whom left to exile. In this story, I talk about my memories of my joyful and painful life as a student, nostalgias contaminated by the natural emotion that causes one to pay attention to juvenile experiences in the context of cultural training mixed with friendship. There is neither a systematization of pedagogical experiences nor an analytical pretension of any sort.
Land:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institution:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Online Zugang:
Instituto Pedagógico
estudios de Filosofía
los jóvenes poetas
inquietudes políticas
conversaciones en los jardines
discurso de graduación
pedagogical institute
Philosophy studies
young poets
political worries
conversations in the gardens
graduation speech