Land Management and Planning in Siquirres. A Geographical Approach


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Bibliografische gegevens
Auteur: Arrieta, Omar
Formaat: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Omschrijving:It is presented as a summary the theoretical and methodological frame from which scientific studies are made, with which the regulator plan of Siquirres cantón (Costa Rica) has to be designed from. It is exposed the process of historic formation of the space that is studied. Later, it is summarized the empiric results obtained from the socioeconomically and physical-biological investigations in the territory in question. And, finally, a preliminary proposal is made of which are the dominant landscape units as a guide for the future planning of the cantón.
Land:Portal de Revistas UNA
Instelling:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
Online toegang:
Keyword:Ordenamiento territorial
planificación urbana
planes reguladores
Land use planning
urban planification
regulatory plans