Herd structure, and nutritional, sanitary, reproductive and environmental management of Iberoamerican horses in Costa Rica.


Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazarlar: Solano Mora, Grethel, WingChing-Jones, Rodolfo
Materyal Türü: artículo original
Durum:Versión publicada
Yayın Tarihi:2018
Diğer Bilgiler:Knowing the nutritional, sanitary, reproductive and facilities management of animals of zootechnical interest, is the basis for improving the systems. In October 2016 and April 2017 we carried out a diagnosis of 16 Ibero-American horse breeding farms located in the provinces of Alajuela, Cartago, San José and Heredia in Costa Rica.  We found a female: male ratio of 1,7; and seven crosses, the most frequent was between a female Costa Rican Saddle horse and a male purebred Spanish horse. There were nine riding arena sizes (six for the stables, ten for the washing facilities and ten forages). A positive balance of protein and energy in the diets could increase body condition. Natural mating, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, and heat detection and synchronization, are all implemented. Deworming and vaccination, and preventive management of bedding, are recorded by the farm workers (62% are trained on horse care and management). These horse breeders have developed valid knowledge through self-training, but there is room for improvement in the diagnosis of parasitic diseases, veterinary recommendations and feeding practices.
Ülke:Portal de Revistas UNED
Kurum:Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNED
OAI Identifier:oai:revistas.investiga.uned.ac.cr:article/2172
Online Erişim:https://revistas.uned.ac.cr/index.php/cuadernos/article/view/2172
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