Phytoplankton species that originate harmful algal blooms in the mouth of the Sontecomapan coastal lagoon, Veracruz, Mexico


Bibliografiset tiedot
Tekijät: Muciño Márquez, Rocío Elizabeth, Figueroa Torres, María Guadalupe, Gárate Lizárraga, Ismael
Aineistotyyppi: artículo original
Tila:Versión publicada
Kuvaus:Fish mortality from algal blooms have been reported from Veracruz since 1792. We investigated the composition and abundance of (HABs) species along a nyctemeral cycle in the mouth of Sontecomapan, a coastal lagoon, during October 27th and 28th, 1999. Water samples were collected every two hours using a Van Dorn bottle at the surface and the middle-water column, to measure temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen, distribution and abundance of HAB species, and we reviewed the behavior of flow and ebb of the tide. To understand the relationship between environmental variables and abundance of HAB species, we applied a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA). A total of 27 taxa known to produce bloom were found, three of them toxin-producers; Bacillaria paxillifer, Gyrodinium spirale, Prorocentrum gracile and Scrippsiella trochoidea were the most abundant species in surface and mid-bottom. Salinity was the most influential environmental variable on the distribution and abundance of phytoplankton species forming bloom in this area.
Maa:Portal de Revistas UNED
Organisaatio:Universidad Estatal a Distancia
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNED
algal blooms
cycle nyctemeral
coastal lagoon
proliferaciones algales
ciclo nictemeral
laguna costera