Prospective analysis about informal labor, ambulant sales and social security in San José, C.R for the period 2020-2025


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Tác giả: Herrera Rodríguez , Daniela
Định dạng: artículo original
Trạng thái:Versión publicada
Ngày xuất bản:2022
Miêu tả:The statistics of informal labor in the world are rising and Costa Rica is not exempt. In the country, the amount of formal and informal workers are equal; so, it is a subject that requires immediate attention. This investigation was focused on the ambulant vendors of the downtown of San José (Costa Rica). It is a fact that the informal workers are unprotected in terms of social security, for that reason, a prospective methodology was used to determinate the real access possibilities for a group of 30 ambulant vendors to the social security of the CCSS; taking into account the cost-benefit analysis of the definition of formality nowadays. In addition, the socioeconomic data of the ambulant vendors of San José were generated and used to create a prospective analysis that combined quantitative and qualitative variables, to determine if the social security of the ambulant vendors would improve in the next five years.
Quốc gia:Portal de Revistas UTN
Tổ chức giáo dục:Universidad Técnica Nacional
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UTN
Ngôn ngữ:Español
Truy cập trực tuyến:
Access Level:acceso abierto
Từ khóa:Trabajo informal
Seguridad social
Metodología prospectiva
Venta ambulante
Costa Rica
Informal labor
Social security
Prospective methodology,
Ambulant sales