Productivity of Cedrela odorata living fences.


সংরক্ষণ করুন:
গ্রন্থ-পঞ্জীর বিবরন
লেখক: Viera, Carlos J., Pineda, Arnold
বিন্যাস: artículo original
বর্তমান অবস্থা:Versión publicada
প্রকাশনার তারিখ:2004
বিবরন:Timberproduction was measured in living fences planted in 1980with Cedrela odorata trees, with a plating distance of 17 mbetween trees and under no subsequent management. Attacksby the stem borer of the Meliaceae (Hypsilla grandellaZeller) were evident in the bifurcation commonly observed inmost trees. The srudy was conducted at CIC-JAP La Fe,Ilama, Santa Bárbara at 750 m elev., 14° 59’ N and 88° 31’W, with an annual rainfall of 2.800 mm y-1. Soils are highlyfertile with high exchangable bases content, organic matterand micronutrients, withouth pH problems and a slope thatvaries from 10 to 20%. The trees benefited from weed controland fertilization of the coffee plantation to which they grewassociated. Average IMA height and diameter of trees were1.09 m and 3.77 cm, resoectively, which are considered highand represent an average of 20 y., an a production of 35.164wood feet and an income of Lps of 316.476,00 at 386.804,00as wood price on the farm (Lps 9.00 a 11,00 wood feet),which constitutes extra income that does not affect coffeeproduction and takes advante of the internal roads in the farm.
দেশ:Portal de Revistas UCR
প্রতিষ্ঠান:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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