Doctoral Studies in TIS in and about Spanish America


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Bibliografski detalji
Autor: Alpízar-Alpízar, Mildred Isabel
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Datum izdanja:2023
Opis:This article presents the findings of a bibliometric study carried out on a corpus of 108 doctoral theses in translation and interpretation studies (TIS) produced in Spanish America or with a Spanish American theme. Aspects analyzed include place, country and year of publication; the language used in the research and publication; and the researcher’s sex and academic affiliation. The results also reveal the main hubs of production by country, a high rate of women who successfully conclude their doctoral studies, and the main research topics, as well as those whose coverage is insufficient.
Zemlja:Portal de Revistas UNA
Institucija:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Ključna riječ:translation and interpretation studies
Hispanic America
estudios de traducción e interpretación
tesis doctorales