Trends and challenges for information sciences in today's world


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Λεπτομέρειες βιβλιογραφικής εγγραφής
Συγγραφέας: Sequeira Ortíz, Zaida
Μορφή: artículo original
Κατάσταση:Versión publicada
Ημερομηνία έκδοσης:2018
Περιγραφή:The purpose of this article is to point out, from the perspective of thirty years of creation of the School of Library and Information Sciences of the University of Costa Rca, the path that this profession has traveled in a context beyond the classroom, facing global trends. To make a critical analysis of all the currents and trends that have permeated or influenced the practice and teaching of this profession, from the creation of the Internet and that have been producing new and varied forms of interaction, consequently, new demands from a user who today handles a very good experience and knowledge in information technologies. Also, both the user and the information professional face great uncertainty about how to handle, acquire and offer what is needed in a society flooded by information and ways to obtain it. It analyzes a new human and technological environment, where knowledge, its creation and its propagation are defining the relationships between individuals and between nations and must be integrated into the teaching of Library and Information Science. From this perspective, the capacity to manage information, which is then converted into knowledge, is reviewed in relevant literature, using tools that provide a diversified scope between context, content and user and that fundamentally involves developing a learning capacity for a given context, based on creativity and intuition. By developing the most recurrent trends for the profession of Information Sciences, we venture into the applications that contribute in an emphatic way to the management of knowledge and that are setting standards in the organization, access and management of information, from the scope of the Information Society. In a vertiginously expanded virtual world, trends based on language management, state-of-the-art technologies and the emergence of Information Architecture are analyzed, becoming essential contributions, not only in an era where knowledge management is essential to create, diversify, compete, share and expand the possibilities of access to information, within a globalized world, but which have come to life through an economic and social value they did not have.
Χώρα:Portal de Revistas UCR
Ίδρυμα:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Λέξη-Κλειδί :knowledge management
Information Architecture
gestión del conocimiento
Arquitectura de la Información