Innovation and globalization: the globalizing diffusion of the international model of science policy


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Bibliographic Details
Author: Chávarro, Luis Alfonso
Format: texto
Status:Versión publicada
Publication Date:2022
Description:Introduction: the article highlights the importance of the conceptual foundations derived from the sociological institutionalism approach to world culture to understand globalization based on the convergence criterion through categories such as policy diffusion and diffusion mechanisms. Objective: it proposes to analyze the diffusion of science policy models and to observe the diffusion of the international model of science policy focused on innovation. Method and technique: based on the foundations of sociological institutionalism, through documentary analysis of secondary sources, it addresses the diffusion of science policy ideas in the United States and Latin America. Results: it shows evidence of contradictions or decouplings between the guidelines derived from the science policy model and the situation of science. Conclusion: it is concluded that, in the latter countries, a diffusion by emulation has predominated, which has led to an institutional isomorphism in the world of science, but which expresses many uncouplings that are generating controversy in the national scientific communities. Finally, the possibility of articulating the world culture approach to field theory is considered, in order to investigate the aforementioned controversies that appear as variations of the same theme in different Latin American countries.
Country:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institution:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Online Access:
Access Level:acceso abierto
Keyword:Science policy diffusion
World culture
Field theory
Difusión de política científica
Cultura mundial
Teoría de campo