Classification of Everyday Life Lexicon in Costa Rican Inventories of Goods From the 18th Century


Bibliografiset tiedot
Tekijä: Cruz Volio, Gabriela
Aineistotyyppi: artículo original
Tila:Versión publicada
Kuvaus:This article stablishes a classification of the vocabulary present in colonial documents written in Costa Rica during the eighteenth century. The texts are inventories of goods found in larger documents from the colonial era, like testaments which belonged to common people, and thus display everyday vocabulary. In total, seventeen unedited inventories of goods were chosen and transcribed according to CHARTA’s criteria. From these texts, the relevant lexicon was extracted and then classified in onomasiological categories. The results show that most used words belong to the categories of tools, clothing, and textiles, which has to do with the rural way of life but also with the economic changes that occurred during the eighteenth century, when the so-called «land goods» became predominant in Costa Rica. Moreover, the qualitative analysis offers new data based on unedited documentation oriented towards a better understanding of Costa Rican Spanish across time.
Maa:Portal de Revistas UCR
Organisaatio:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto
inventory of goods
Costa Rican colonial Spanish
history of Spanish
archival documents
inventarios de bienes
español colonial costarricense
historia de la lengua española
documentos de archivo
stocks de marchandises
Espagnol colonial du Costa Rica
histoire de la langue espagnole
documents d'archives