Methodology to Assess the Condition of Electrical Power Transformers Based on a Composite Health Index


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Autores: Nuñez Mata, Oscar, Gómez-Ramírez, Gustavo, Acuña Rojas, Fauricio, González Solís, César
格式: artículo original
状态:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2022
实物特征:The development of condition monitoring methods that follow the evolution of the degradation of power transformers (PT), is essential for a safe and reliable operation of power systems. Having condition monitoring tools has become a priority for utilities, this being a complex task, since different stresses are combined, such as: electrical, chemical and mechanical. Some authors propose the use of health indices (HI) that include the condition of the PT in a single parameter, to support the personal relationship with the decision-making process. To obtain the HI, the results of different tests are used to verify the status of the PT. This will be the basis for evaluating the global health and facilitating the identification of failure modes present in the PT and its subsystems, which lead to generalized degradation, or in key subsystems, which can lead to the end of the useful life of the PT. This research proposes a novel tool to evaluate power transformers based on a compound HI. The HI was obtained using: i) condition data, and ii) condition functions. The results obtained are weighted, reaching a final value that reflects the condition of the PT. It was possible to determine with expert criteria the importance of each executed test, granting the importance weights. The results showed a good performance of the proposed HI evaluating real transformers. This indicates that moving towards the use of HI to assess the condition of power transformers improves the reliability of electrical networks and, with this, the service to users.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
机构:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto
Palabra clave:Chemical analysis
Failure analysis
Insulation testing
Power systems
Power transformers
Análisis de fallas
Análisis químico
prueba de aislamiento
sistemas eléctricos de potencia
transformador de potencia