The “Charlie Chaplin” silhouette figural theme: A Pan-Middle American ritual performer theme


Detaylı Bibliyografya
Yazar: Mora-Marín, David F.
Materyal Türü: artículo original
Durum:Versión publicada
Yayın Tarihi:2016
Diğer Bilgiler:The paper presents evidence for the definition and origin of a figural jade theme that is common in Costa Rica.  It consists of a standing figure in a ritual pose, and it is argued that it originated in the context of the jade exchange network linking the ancient jade artisans of Pre-Columbian Costa Rica to their counterparts in the Maya region of Mesoamerica.  In the Maya region, archaeologists have referred to this theme as “Charlie Chaplin” figurines because of the characteristic pose with knees bent and feet pointing to the sides.  It is proposed that this theme was pan-Mesoamerican, that it may very well have originated in the Middle Preclassic Olmec tradition, and that it appears to be the template for the so-called Ruler-as-World Axis theme defined for the Olmec and Maya traditions by various scholars.  The paper suggests that this theme was adopted by the jade artisans from Pre-Columbian Costa Rica, who then adapted to the local artistic canons through the addition of stylistic traits typical of their tradition, and who may have used it to derive a new theme, made up of a blend of the older avian celtiform (avian axe-god) pendant theme and the diffused “Charlie Chaplin” theme, resulting in the anthropomorphic celtiform (anthropomorphic axe-god) pendant theme.  The exchange network that led to the spread of this theme strongly points to the need for a more inclusive framework, a Middle American framework (distinct from Central America and Mesoamerica), to the study of ancient Pre-Columbian societies of Mexico and Central America, and possibly beyond, given the possible presence of this theme in Colombia.
Ülke:Portal de Revistas UCR
Kurum:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Online Erişim:
Anahtar Kelime:Jade precolombino
Costa Rica
Pre-Columbian jade