Multifunctionality of peasant life in contexts of environmental conflicts and peace building in the Colombian Amazon


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Autor: Arias, Sara Camila
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Data wydania:2020
Opis:The extractive dynamics in the Colombian Amazon were partially halted by the dynamics of war present in the country, with the ceasefire, the insufficient state presence and the persistent conditions of social inequality and also the continuity of other armed actors, this area is scene of extractive and illegal economies, while remaining a source of survival for the peasants communities that have inhabited these lands for decades and have approached a balanced relationship with the ecosystem. Given this context of conflict, the State has decided to criminalize any type of intervention, including that of the local communities historically settled there, also expand protected areas, which has been accompanied by the militarization of its protection, which relates to the judicialization to those who are considered deforestation actors. Despite this new conflict dynamic, no longer armed, but social and environmental, peasant communities and people in the process of reincorporation bet on building peace, defending their territoriality, promoting different productive projects that make synergy in the context of the multifunctionality of the peasant life of which they are now part.
Kraj:Portal de Revistas UCR
Instytucja:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Słowo kluczowe:environmental conservation
peasant class
conservación ambiental
consolidación de paz
clase campesina