Life conditions and habits that contributed to the bucodental deterioration of older adults in selected cantons the Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica 1998 to 2006


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Verfasser: Murillo Bolaños, Olga Marta
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Beschreibung:Bad habits in dental hygiene and cultural factors have resulted in a severe loss of dental pieces among elderly people, according to a review of studies carried out between 1998 and 2006, in six cantons (municipalities) of the Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica.  The studies were based on quantitative methods through, a questionnaire and a dental examination applied to a sample of 1566 older adults. Data were processed on Epi info 6 and SPSS.  Most older adults studied live in poverty and have a low educational level (averaging 6.6 years of schooling). Certain myths continue to prevail, such as that 60% of teeth are naturally lost through aging.  On average, 45% have no teeth and have used the same dentures for over 26 years, and these are in a poor state. Those still conserving some natural teeth, present root caries around the neck of their teeth and periodontal disease, only 37% use dental floss. They do not make regular visits to the dentist. In conclusion, it can be stated, that many important factors had influence on the deteriorated dental health found, among them poverty and low levels of education. Their main need is prosthetic rehabilitation, but only a limited number of this people have access to private or social security dental services.  Given the state of dental conditions among them, who make up an increasing proportion of the population, both public and private institutions and dental professionals face a great challenge in implementing health policies such as those of National Council of the Elderly (CONAPAM), which seek an integrated attention approach, as well as to carry out programs dealing with promotion and prevention of dental health among the elderly, as part of the goals established for 2011-2121.
Land:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institution:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Access Level:acceso abierto
Stichwort:Elderly people
Dental hygiene
Dental Health
persona adulta mayor
Higiene dental
Salud Bucodental