La participación en el aula escolar rural: un reto para la transformación


Bibliografiset tiedot
Tekijät: Arguedas Leitón, Enid, Núñez Castro, Lidieth, Torres Hernández, Rodrigo, Vásquez Carvajal, Ana Cecilia, Vargas Fallas, Claudio Antonio
Aineistotyyppi: artículo
Tila:Versión publicada
Kuvaus:This work analyses the participation as a way to exert the right to education, as a mean to democratize the learning process and as a channel to achieve pertinence in the educational process. It assumes that parents, students and other members of the community have to be near the school and the classroom not only to collaborate with the tasks traditionally assigned to them but also to develop a new way of participation that involves a construction process of the learning process. To achieve this purpose, the authors enunciate different strategies, useful to the get school and community together.
Maa:Portal de Revistas UNA
Organisaatio:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
rural community
rural school
comunidad rural
escuela rural