Efecto de diferentes niveles de proteína de la dieta sobre el crecimiento de juveniles del pez neón Paracheirodon innesi (pisces:characidae) (ING)


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Autores: Luna-Figueroa, Jorge, Figueroa Torres, José, Soriano Salazar, Martha
格式: artículo original
狀態:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2001
實物特徵:The effect of different protein concentration in the diet (53,5%, 50,0%, 41,6% and 30,0%) on the rates of growth AGR, RGR and SGR of juvenile of P. innesi was evaluated. The weight and total length gain, as well as rates of growth were higher in fish (P<0.05) fed with diet I (53,5% protein), but they were reduced at lower when protein concentration in the diet decreased. The weight differences were 65,15% AGR, 63,69% RGR and 45,85% SGR, while for total length were 57,41% AGR, 59,00% RGR and 52,25% SGR higher (P<0,05) in fish fed with diet I regarding II, III, and IV diets. Finally, results of the present investigation indicated that maximum growth in P. innesi was obtained in fish fed with diet containing 53,5% protein.
País:Portal de Revistas UNA
機構:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UNA
OAI Identifier:oai:ojs.www.una.ac.cr:article/5708
Access Level:acceso abierto