Hybrid storage engine for geospatial data using NoSQL and SQL paradigms


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Bibliografski detalji
Autori: Herrera-Ramírez, José A., Treviño-Villalobos, Marlen, Víquez-Acuña, Leonardo
Format: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Datum izdanja:2021
Opis:The design and implementation of services to handle geospatial data involves thinking about storage engine performance and optimization for the desired use. NoSQL and relational databases bring their own advantages; therefore, it is necessary to choose one of these options according to the requirements of the solution. These requirements can change, or  some operations may be performed in a more efficient way on another database engine, so using just one engine means being tied to its features and work model. This paper presents a hybrid approach (NoSQL-SQL) to store geospatial data on MongoDB, which are replicated and mapped on a PostgreSQL database, using an open source tool called ToroDB Stampede; solutions then can take advantage from either NoSQL or SQL features, to satisfy most of the requirements associated to the storage engine performance. A descriptive analysis to explain the workflow of the replication and synchronization in both engines precedes the quantitative analysis by which it was possible to determine that a normal database in PostgreSQL has a shorter response time than to perform the query in PostgreSQL with the hybrid database. In addition, the type of geometry increases the update response time of a materialized view.
Institucija:Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica
OAI Identifier:oai:repositoriotec.tec.ac.cr:2238/13046
Online pristup:https://revistas.tec.ac.cr/index.php/tec_marcha/article/view/4822
Access Level:acceso abierto
Ključna riječ:Database
Base de datos
base de datos espejo