Detection of proteins antigenically related to Bothrops asper myotoxin in crotaline snake venoms


שמור ב:
מידע ביבליוגרפי
Autores: Lomonte, Bruno, Moreno, Edgardo, Gutiérrez, José María
פורמט: artículo
Fecha de Publicación:1987
תיאור:H. Loxtoxre, E, Moatnvo and J . M. GurtEsaez . Detation of proteins antigenically rdated to Bothrops riper myotoxin in crotaline snake venoms. Tadcon 25, 947 -953, 1987 . - The presence of componrnts antigenically related to Bothrop asps myotoxin was investigated by Western blotting and immunoeledrophoretic techniques . B. asps myotoxin is a non-glycosylated monomeric phospholipase A with a molecular weight by SDS-PAGE of 16,000 and isoeiectric point of pH 9.8 - 10 .0 . Results showed that proteins in the venoma of B. numntjjer, B. at7dntani, B. srhlegelü, B. picadoi, and A;kEsrrodon bllineatrrs were recognized by monospecific antibodies to B. riper myotoxin raised in rabbit and sheep . Western blotting indicated that cross-reacting proteins have a molecular weight of 16,000, with the extxpdon of that of B. pècadoi, which is of 24,000 mol. wt. However, immunadectrophoreais indicated that these componrnts are highly heterogeneous in charge, ranging from basic to adtüc proteins . The cross-reacting tomponent(s) present in newborn B. aspen venom has a different charge from that of the 'txluh-type' . Vrnoms from newborn sptximens :bowed an additional crow-reading band of 18,000 mol. wt. Mytxoxin is an abundant component in adult B. aspen venom. Myotoxin - antimyotoxin complexes had different dedrophoretic mobilities in rocket immunoeledrophoreais depending upon the species in which monoapecific immune sera were produced.
País:Repositorio UNA
מוסד:Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Repositorio UNA
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