Developing a cooperative multicenter study in Latin America: Lessons learned from the Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health Project


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Autores: Fisberg, Mauro, Kovalskys, Irina, Gómez Salas, Georgina, Pareja Torres, Rossina Gabriella, Yépez García, Martha Cecilia, Cortés Sanabria, Lilia Yadira, Herrera Cuenca, Marianella, Rigotti, Attilio, Guajardo, Viviana, Zalcman Zimberg, Ioná, Previdelli, Ágatha Nogueira, Moreno Aznar, Luis Alberto, Pratt, Michael, Koletzko, Berthold V., Tucker, Katherine L.
Formato: artículo original
Fecha de Publicación:2017
Descripción:This report examines the challenges of conducting a multicenter, cross-sectional study of coun- tries with diverse cultures, and shares the lessons learned. The Latin American Study of Nutrition and Health (ELANS) was used as a feasibility study involving the most populous cities of eight countries in Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela) in 2014–2015, about 40% of the population of the Americas. The target sample included 9 000 individuals, 15–65 years of age, and was strati ed by geo- graphic location (only urban areas), gender, age, and socioeconomic status. Six principal challenges were identi ed: team structuring and site selections; developing a single protocol; obtaining ethic approvals; completing simultaneous eldwork; ensuring data quality; and extracting data and maintaining consistency across databases. Lessons learned show that har- monization, pilot study, uniformity of procedures, high data quality control, and communication and collaboration across sites are imperative. Barriers included organizational complexity, recruit- ment of collaborators and research staff, institutional cooperation, development of infrastructure, and identi cation of resources. Consensus on uniform measures and outcomes and data collection methodology, as well as a plan for data management and analysis, communication, publication, and dissemination of study results should be in place prior to beginning eldwork. While challeng- ing, such studies offer great potential for building a scienti c base for studies on nutrition, physical activity, and other health topics, while facilitating comparisons among countries.
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
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Palabra clave:362.118 Hospitales e instituciones relacionadas
Multicenter study
Nutritional surveillance
Nutrition surveys
Latin America
Estudio multicéntrico
Vigilancia nutricional
Encuestas nutricionales
América Latina
Estudo multicêntrico
Vigilância nutricional
Inquéritos nutricionais