Effect of the application of behavioral therapy in the acquisition of basic skills learning in three children with autism.


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Tác giả: Cabezas Pizarro, Hannia
Định dạng: artículo original
Trạng thái:Versión publicada
Ngày xuất bản:2004
Miêu tả:This article presents a programintervention, to acquire skillsliteracy in adult women aged 8between 20 and 48 years of age, with delaymental, and who had not received education.Using the skill model proposed by Skinner (1957), in which there is an observable behavioryou want to develop, are followed up throughan event log, and plotted the skills obtained by each of the participants in the field of reading, allowing you to see the progress throughof the different phases, in addition, itapplied research models, in whichemphasis is placed on changes in a series of data in a single measure or series of measures. (Mayerand Labrador) 1980. Within the research models are used to changing criteria and multiple AB.Where investigating the effects of a conditiongiven on a specific behavior. (Kazdin, 1980).
Quốc gia:Portal de Revistas UCR
Tổ chức giáo dục:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Ngôn ngữ:Español
OAI Identifier:oai:portal.ucr.ac.cr:article/2824
Truy cập trực tuyến:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/educacion/article/view/2824
Từ khóa:autismo
conducta básica
conducta intermedia
conducta avanzada
Development Problems
Adult Education
Literacy Skills Readers
Reading Methods.