Foreign fishing fleets in the Costa Rican Pacific and their overlap with oceanic protected areas, the fisheries management, and the Thermal Dome


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Autores: Cubero-Pardo, Priscilla, Castro-Azofeifa, César, Chavarría-Chaves, Juan B., Vargas-Bolaños, Christian, Corrales-Garro, Francini
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:Introduction: Until today, the fishing effort by foreign fleets in the Costa Rican Pacific has not been analyzed. Objective: To determine the spatial distribution of their fishing effort, variables that shape that distribution, and if those fleets interact with management figures and highly fragile ecosystems. Methods: Using fishing effort data from 2012 to 2020, obtained from Global Fishing Watch, an Index of Fishing Effort (IEP) was calculated to apply geospatial and multivariate statistics, as well as multiple regression models. A grid with 55 905 cells of 0.10 degrees was used to apply Hot Spot Analysis, and another grid with 24 176 cell-year-month analysis units of 0.25 degrees was used to apply a Linear Regression Model. Results: The data reveals the fishing activity of international fleets associated with four types of fishing gear, and a wide coverage of a high IEP by two fleets throughout the nine years analyzed. The IEP is primarily associated with location and varies by month and year. There is also relative evidence that its influenced by the concentration of oxygen and nitrates. Conclusions: International fleets come into direct conflict with officially defined zones for national fleets and disrespect protected oceanic areas and a declared non-fishing zone to protect marine resources in the Costa Rican Pacific. Their activities in the Dome may affect a national yellowfin tuna fishery.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:arrastre;
red de cerco;
pesquerías costarricenses;
traslape pesquero
Costa Rican fisheries;
fishing overlap