Geodesic distribution in graph theory: Kullback-Leibler-Symmetric


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Autores: González, José Alejandro, Cascone, Marcos Henrique
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2014
Descripción:Kullback-Leibler information allow us to characterize a family of dis- tributions denominated Kullback-Leibler-Symmetric, which are distance functions and, under some restrictions, generate the Jensen’s equality shown by [1], in this paper denominated Jensen-Equal. On the other hand, [5] and [7] showed that graph theory gives conditions to define a new mea- surable space and, therefore, new distances, in particular, the distance characterized by [2], denominated Geodesic Distance. The interaction of these ideas allow us to define a new distribution, denominated Geodesic Distri- bution which, under graph theory as center and radius of a graph, we can to develop optimization methodologies based in probabilities of attendance. We obtain many applications and the proposal method is very adaptive. To illustrate, we apply this distribution in spatial statistics. 
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:Kullback-Leibler information
graph theory
geodesic distance
geodesic distribution
información Kullback-Leibler
teoría de grafos
distancia geodésica
distribución geodésica