Visualización de plasmas convectivos


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Carboni, Rodrigo, Páez, Jorge
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2011
Descripción:We present a study of the evolution of magnetic field in plasmas with different conductivities under the influence of a convective movement independent of time, which allows the description of either a single whirlwind, or even a double one, passing through diverse intermediate configurations. Different numerical methods were utilized in order to study the corresponding equations as, i. e, alternate implicit method, method of Crank-Nicholson, weighted ponderer method, and the convective method as well. This last method is used to solve the induction equation of the vector potential as a functions of the field directly. Also, we analized the stability and consistency of the methods, being the most effective the convective method. The model of a convective cell is described by using current functions. By taking two functions each one of those representing a whirlwind, thy can be modified in such a way, that it may represent either a single or a double whirlwind with just the variation of a parameter. The information gained from the evolution of tha magnetic field under such conditions can be depicted graphically in a sequential manner (film), ths allowing the visualization of the evolutions of the magnetic strengh and the density of energy with time within the convective zone. The amplification of the field strength on the periphery of the cell shows the reconnection and disappearance of the magnetic field lines within the cell, with the corresponding decreasing the field strength thereabout until the evolutions reach a steady state. When the Reynolds number is large, a single whirlwind can reach the steady state in a direct manner, while the double whirlwind began to oscillate for all Reynolds numbers values.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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