Opinión sobre el consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas de estudiantes de tercer año de la carrera de licenciatura en enfermería.


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Autor: Rojas Valenciano, Ligia
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2009
Descripción:One presents a descriptive analysis of the opinion demonstrated by students' nursing about the consumption of lawful and illicit drugs. This study forms one part of the lenses raised in the project of investigation No. 421-A7-328 named Social, cultural, personal, familiar and economic factors associated to the phenomenon of the drugs in students of the career in Nursing: a study from the perspective of the International Health; the article concern to the School of Nursing of the University of Costa Rica and was approved by the Vicerrectoría of Investigation Research of the same institution. It is a quantitative, descriptive and transverse study. The population participant corresponded to 96 students who were dealing the third year of the career in Nursing. There was applied an autoadministered questionnaire, which was before validated, with a sample of 10 % of students of Nursing who had similar characteristics to the fastened participants who were dealing other years of the career. With regard to the consumption of lawful and illicit drugs, a 39,3 % (42) says to have consumed drugs. They indicate in 19,6 % (21) that were the friends who offered them. The age in which they offered them drugs was for the most part in the range of age of 15 to fewer 18 years for 16,9 % (18). One of the motive for consuming alcohol nowadays, in 33,6 % (36) is to spend it well; besides 64,5, % (69) consumes it with friends and companions, 20,6 % (22) with relatives. The frequency of use centered in 10,3 % (11) in the item of one or more times per week and 29,9 % (32) less of once per week. On the other hand, 42,1 % (45) expressed that the frequent use of alcohol does not interfere with the diverse activities that they realize (nourishment, dream, study, work, affective and social relations and the sexual performance). Finally, a 24,3 % expressed that they have not thought of stopping consuming alcohol.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
OAI Identifier:oai:portal.ucr.ac.cr:article/3609
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/enfermeria/article/view/3609
Palabra clave:student of nursing
lawful drugs
illicit drugs
consumption of drugs
educational research