Ethnobotanical knowledge, potential and geographical distribution of the mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) in the high Andean paramo, Colombia


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Autores: Oliva Burbano, Johanna Nataly, Luna-Cabrera, Gloria Cristina, Delgado-Vargas, Iván A., Usama Hidalgo, Eduin Yamid
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2024
Descripción:Introduction. The mortiño (Vaccinium floribundum Kunth) faces significant genetic erosion due to anthropogenic pressure in the páramos, leading to the gradual loss of traditional knowledge about species in these ecosystems. In Colombia, the lack of specific records has hindered the identification of associated species, as well as the understanding of the distribution and living conditions of this plant in the territory. Objective. To build a model of geographical and potential distribution of the mortiño, quantify plant diversity, analyze associated species, and explore the uses and importance of the species in its life context. Materials and methods. A participatory action research methodology was implemented, using surveys, interviews, field trips with the community, and participatory workshops. ArcGIS 10.5 and MaxEnt 3.4.4 were employed to develop distribution maps. Biological diversity indices, such as Shannon-Weiner and Simpson, along with the importance value, were determined to assess species richness. The study was conducted in the El Encano district, Nariño-Colombia, during the year 2021. Results. The community emphasizes the use of mortiño in traditional food and medicine. Twenty-one associated species were identified, with the fern (Blechnum loxense (Kunth)) being the most significant. The distribution of V. floribundum is primarily attributed to favorable climatic conditions, with temperatures between 8 and 16 °C and an altitudinal gradient of 2800 to 3200 m above sea level. Conclusions. The study reveals two ecosystems conducive to mortiño: the high Andean forest and the páramo. The importance value index highlights the fern as the most representative species associated with mortiño, providing valuable information for the conservation and sustainable management of these ecosystems in the region.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:Endemic species
biological diversity
Andean region
community participation
Especie endémica
diversidad biológica
región Andina
participación comunitaria