Riqueza de especies de aves de sotobosque en la Selva Lacandona, Chiapas, México


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Rangel-Salazar, J Luis, Enríquez-Rocha, Paula L, Vega-Rivera, Humberto
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:1993
Descripción:Three standard samples (100 captures) of the Lacandon understory forest bird community were taken, , producing, 59 species, 80% resident and 20% migrants. Emberizidae and 1)trannidae were dominant in species number. Phaetornis supersüiosus and Pipro mentalis were Ihe most frequently captured laXa. The largest values of species richness (37), diversity (20.6) and rarity (14) were found before the rainy seasoo. There was' a significant difference between the fust season and the two following seasons. Species richness in the Lacandon rain forest is similar to three reported from Middle and South American bird communities, important areas because they were used as refuge through the Pleistocenic glacial periad and are zones of species dispersal.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
OAI Identifier:oai:portal.ucr.ac.cr:article/23362
Acceso en línea:https://revistas.ucr.ac.cr/index.php/rbt/article/view/23362