Stability and reliability of the new corn hybrids in comparison to the regional control HB-83, 1998-2000.


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Autores: Camargo-Buitrago, Ismael, Gordón-Mendoza, Román, Fuentes, Mario
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2003
Descripción:Astudy was conducted to estimate the stability (AMMI) and theconfidence or normalized response (RNI) for a white cornhybrid, assessed in a regional PCCMCA corn trial from 1998 to2000. In this period, 100 genotypes were evaluated at 48environments at nine Central America and the Caribbeancountries. The RN1 values represents the specific genotype.sprobability increase over the mean yield, specified by a control.The study allowed to identify genotypes with low environmentinteraction and of normalized response varying from good toaverage (0.6 ≥ RNI < 0.9) according with the control. Thestability and the confidence degree, regarding to the regionalcontrol HB-83, was determined every year. In addition, thesame analysis was performed with 12 genotypes in common atleast in two year of this phase. The combined analysis indicatedthat 25% of genotypes showed a RNI = 0.8, these genotypeswere CM 933-133, XM 7706 and XM 7708. Six of them (50%)showed standard RNI, outstanding the H-59 and CB-HS-9 withRNI values of 0.73 and 0.75, respectively; the other 25%presented low RNI, less than 0.6. The HB-83, CB-HS-11, HN-12 and Trop E 103 were identified as hybrids with lowgenotype-environment interaction by the AMMI analysis. Bothanalysis allowed to verify that HB-83 is still a competitive andcurrent regional control due to its high production and goodstability throughout contrasting environments.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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