Comportamiento agresivo del macho del ratón de los volcanes Neotomodon alstoni (Rodentia: Cricetidae)


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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores: Granados, Humberto, Luis, Juana, Carmona, Agustín, Espinosa, Guillermo, Arenas, Teresa
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:1996
Descripción:A study was camed out on the agonistic behavior of the male volcano mouse, Neotomodon alsfoni, with 50 pairs of males which were c1assified as possible dominants (D) and subordinates (S), utilizing Melzack - Thompson 's Method. The aggressiveness levels exhibited by this mouse were recording in the eombinations: D vs. D and S vs. S. Two groups were formed: Group I with 12 pairs of D males and 13 of S males, and Group 11 with ll pairs of D males and 14 of S males. [n Group [ the aggressiveness level was quantified after one week of mating and after another week of isolation, and in Group II the sequence of observation was inverted. The aggressiveness level was measured by the number of attacks per hour, an attaek being defined as the aggressive phisycal contac of an animal (aggressor) with another (attacked). Thekinds of behavior registered. including offense, defense, and submission patterns. revealed hierarchic relationships. Dominance was correlated significatively (p< 0.05) with a higher level of aggressiveness
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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