Psychological meaning of gerontology in students through natural semantic networks


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Autores: Razo González, Angélica María, Mendoza Ruvalcaba, Neyda Ma., Ramírez Salazar, Eyised Andrea, Jiménez Membrila, Eva
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:Gerontology is a recent discipline, arising from a social need and scientific-academic interest in understanding individual and population aging process. In Latin America, gerontology careers have emerged where students join form a mental content about it, and through it they guide their praxis. Objective: to determine the psychological meanings that undergraduate students in gerontology attribute to this discipline to recognize the professional identity of the gerontologist. Methodology: quantitative research was carried out with the technique of Natural Semantic Networks n=350 students of the Gerontology career from 4 Universities, 1 Colombian and 3 Mexican. Results: although there are some differences among the defining words of students from the 4 universities, the psychological meaning of Gerontology is well defined. It is primarily associated as the Study of Aging Science. It is also conceptualized as a process and a stage of life, old age; and as an integrative, necessary and multidisciplinary discipline. Finally, knowing the meanings and the identity of professionals in gerontology contributes to the theoretical-conceptual consistency of the profession, for the improvement of teaching, studying plans and professional praxis.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:Gerontology
Natural Semantic Networks
redes semánticas naturales