The "envueltos" of Baños as gastronomic heritage of Cuenca (Ecuador)


Bibliografiska uppgifter
Författarna: Novillo Verdugo, Miguel Ángel, Sinchi Lojano, Elsa Rosario
Materialtyp: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Beskrivning:Baños is a culturally diverse rural parish of Cuenca (Ecuador) where, gradually, its practices and traditions are chaning or disappearing, generating oblivion, loss, and absence of identity. Thus, it is necessary to register and bring to the present certain events that are part of the local history, starting from the study of the so called ‘envueltos’ (timbulos, chaquis, humas y tamales) and their direct relationship with cooking, gastronomy and food as a component of memory and heritage. For such purpose, interviews were carried out with the actors of these activities, who give us an account of the past through memory and oral tradition.
Land:Portal de Revistas UCR
Organisation:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Access Level:acceso abierto