South-South migration and inequality: alterations in the labor incorporation of Peruvian migrants in the City of Córdoba, Argentina, 2001-2010.


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Autores: Gómez, Pablo Sebastián, Bologna, Eduardo
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2019
Descripción:Objective: to analyze the labor incorporation of Peruvian migrants in the city of Córdoba, Argentina, in the period 2001-2010. Methods: We use descriptive statistical analysis in the first step and analysis of multiple correspondences in the second step (MCA), both in comparative perspective with the native population. Results: men increase participation in the industry, both natives and migrants. However, the magnitude is greater for Peruvian men. For native women, the change in the occupational structure is small. For women born in Peru the movement towards the industry sector is also appreciated. However, the most remarkable feature for this group is the scattering of the most frequent category: domestic work, in a process that goes in the direction of diversifying the spectrum of occupations. Conclusions: in relation to Peruvian migrants, gender cleavage presents stability as a mechanism that explains differential incorporation, where women persist in specific occupations in the period considered. This supports the hypothesis of a segmented incorporation for women. However, there is also a variation, since although the most frequent category is domestic work in both census periods, the lower proportion of them employed there in 2010 indicates that other occupations acquire relevance. In the case of men, the main feature is the transfer to industry.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Peruvian Migration
Labour incorporation
South-South Migration
Multiples Correspondence Analysis
R Software
Migración Peruana
Incorporación laboral
Migración Sur-Sur
Correspondencias Múltiples