Identity, Cohesion and Heritage: Evolution of Cultural Policy in Mexico


Xehetasun bibliografikoak
Egileak: Ortiz Espinoza, Ángeles, Gutiérrez Díaz, Mario, Hernández Alba, Luis Alberto
Formatua: artículo original
Egoera:Versión publicada
Argitaratze data:2016
Deskribapena:This paper aims to make a historical review of the strategies and mechanisms implemented cultural policies in Mexico. The interest to present this brief lies in the desire to present to researchers, students and policy makers a starting point for the analysis and development of appropriate public policies related to the topic. The document is divided into five parts: the first is a brief introduction that outlines the objectives and approaches of work. In the second part, they are explained the cultural policies of two periods in Mexican history: the post-independence stage and the porfiriato. While in the third and fourth part, an analysis of cultural policies in the modern era it is done. Finally, this study raises some reflections and comments on the development of cultural policies in Mexico. For reasons of space, the text does not dwell on the description of the mechanisms that implement cultural policies.
Herria:Portal de Revistas UCR
Erakundea:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Sarrera elektronikoa:
Gako-hitza:Cultural policy
Política cultural