Genotype/environment interaction and yield stability in advanced lines of Topito pepper


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Autores: Muñoz-Falcon, Julio Ernesto, Correa-Álvarez, Ender Manuel, León-Pacheco, Rommel Igor, Silva-Acosta, Gabriel Ernesto, Yacomelo-Hernández, Marlon José, Florez-Cordero, Elias David
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2024
Descripción:Introduction. The Topito type sweet pepper (Capsicum chinense Jacq, sinense Murray) is a traditional crop from the Caribbean region of Colombia, which occupies third place among the vegetables cultivated in this area of the country. Objective. To evaluate the genotype x environment interaction and yield stability in nine advanced lines of Topito type sweet pepper obtained within the vegetable breeding program of the Colombian Agricultural Research Corporation (AGROSAVIA) Materials and Methods. In the year 2020, four agronomic evaluation trials were established in the localities of San Pelayo, Córdoba; Sincelejo, Sucre; Suan, Atlántico and Zona Bananera, Magdalena, all located in the Caribbean region of Colombia. For the experiments, a design of complete blocks at random with four repetitions was carried out. As variables for the answer, the yield, the number of fruits per plant, the fresh weight of the fruit and the length of the fruit are considered. Analysis of phenotypic performance stability will be carried out using the methods proposed by Eberhart and Russell and Lin and Binns. Results. The results demonstrated the existence of a significant genotype-environment interaction for variables associated with fruit yield. Through the analysis of the productive behavior of materials in different environments, it was possible to identify the advanced lines L61 and L7 as outstanding genotypes with statistically superior yields (p≤0.05) in the regional test used and with fruit characteristics according to the requirements of the regional fresh consumption market. Conclusions. The L61 and L7 genotypes were the ones that presented the best adaptation to the different environments evaluated and the greatest productive potential, with the Banana Zone environment where the highest yields were achieved with 59.11 t ha-1 for L61 and with 55.05 t ha-1 for line 7.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:Capsicum chinense
plant breeding
individual selection
selección individual