Food of the grouper Caprodon longimanus from Alejandro Seikirk Island, Chile (Perdformes: Serranidae)


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Autori: Rojas M, José Rodrigo, Palma, Sergio, Pequeño R, Germán
Natura: artículo original
Status:Versión publicada
Data di pubblicazione:1998
Descrizione:Diet and food preference of Caprodon longimanus were 'studied at Alejandro Selkirk Island, Chile. The fishes (N=55) were collected in November and December 1996 using long line and lhe sizes ranged from 176-286 mm in SL. This grouper is a pelagic opportunistic zooplanktivorous predator. Thalia sp. (Tunicata: Salpida) was the most frequent and abundant prey accounting for 93.3% occurrence based on 1655 individuals. A total of 17 genera of crustaceans as well as pteropods, chaetognaths and polychaete worms were found in the stomach contents. A total of 14.3% of al! stomachs were empty.
Stato:Portal de Revistas UCR
Istituzione:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Keyword:caprodon longimanus
stomach content analysis
Alejandro Selkirk Island
eastem South Pacific