Space-time patterns and drivers of migrant bird communities in coastal Piauí State, Brazil


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Autores: Cardoso, Cleiton O., Sales, Davi da S., Nascimento, Muryllo dos S., Siqueira, Airton Janes da S., Pereira, Ocivana A., dos Santos, Suely S., dos Santos, Francisco das Chagas V., Carneiro, Pedro B. de M., Guzzi, Anderson
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2023
Descripción:Introduction: Migration is a natural phenomenon that includes annual movements of many bird species in response to seasonal cycles. With approximately one third of all living bird species, South America has an important avifauna, and many migrants land in Brazil at stopping points and wintering sites. Objective: To identify associations between migrant birds and coastal vegetation, and environmental influence of on migration. Methods: At 10 points along the coast of Piauí State, Brazil, we made visual censuses and mist net captures, between April 2009 and February 2016. Results: We identified 82 migrant bird species (13 orders; 28 families) that represented 41 intracontinental migrating species, 26 northern visiting species, 14 nomad species and one vagrant species. The richness peaks were at the beginning and end of both dry and rainy seasons, matching insolation and atmospheric pressure.  There were spatial pattern differences among vegetation complexes. Chrysolampis mosquitus is an indicator of caatinga vegetation, Numenius phaeopus of wetland, Charadrius collaris of non-flooding fields, Rostrhamus sociabilis of forest-grassland transition, and Columbina picui of orchards. Despite differences in number and species composition within vegetation types, the temporal pattern in species richness was similar among flooded fields, non-flooded fields, and transition grassland categories. Conclusions: Migrant birds occupy specific environments during their permanence along the coast of Piauí State, with richness matching insolation and atmospheric pressure.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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Palabra clave:climatic variables
migration chronology
variables climáticas
cronología migratoria