Nutrient uptake and partitioning of sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum cv. UCR 589) in Alajuela, Costa Rica


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Autores: Azofeifa, Álvaro, Moreira, Marco A.
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2005
Descripción:The nutrient uptake and partitioning in sweet pepper plants, cultivar UCR 589, was analyzed from May through November 1995, in Alajuela, Costa Rica. A complete-randomized-block experimental design with 4 replications was used. Eleven samplings at 14 days interval were carried out to measure the dry weight and the content of N, P, K, Ca, Mg and S in each plant section (root, foliage, flower and fruit) and total in the plant. Nutrient absorption by each section and the plant total was determined on the basis of the dry weight and the concentration of nutrients. Besides, the nutrient extraction for a plant density of 20833 plants ha-1 and a yield of 46.3 t ha-1 of fresh commercial fruit was estimated. The nutrient extraction order was K >N >P >Ca >S and Mg; with values of 180, 139, 26, 38 y 13 kg ha-1, respectively. Nutrient amounts in the different plant sections varied during the growing cycle. The main phenological event that regulates those fluctuations is fructification. At the end of the crop cycle, the plant accumulated N, P, Mg, K, and S, in higher amounts in the fruits and Ca mainly in the aerial part. The highest rates of nutrient absorption occurred during the stages of fruit formation and accelerated fruit growth.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
Acceso en línea:
Palabra clave:Capsicum annuum
nutrient uptake
Costa Rica
absorción de nutrientes