Behavior of pepper (Capsicum annun) varieties in the western region of El Salvador.


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Autor: Linares, Lasser
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2004
Descripción:An experiment wasconducted, with six pepper (Capsicum annun) varieties, inorder to select materials suitable for the different agroecologicalconditions of El Salvador. The trials wereconducted in Candelaria de la Frontera, Atiquizaya yChalchuapa. A Completely Randomized Experimental BlockDesign with four replications and six treatments was used,composed by the varieties Nathalie, Comandante, Lido,Tikal, Quetzal and a local variety as control. The varianceanalysis showed significant differences for the followingvariables: plant height, length, weight, diameter, number offruits and yield, in the combination of the three localities. TheNathalie variety stood out for the variables of plant height(0.49 m), number of fruits (259,500 fruits/ha), yield (25.11t/ha) and therefore, it had the highest income ($ 19,332.80)and the best cost-benefit ratio (3.31). The shelf-life variedfrom six to nine days with respect to the different peppermaterials. The results could create the base for promoting theNathalie cultivar in the areas of influence.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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