Per Monstra ad Sphaeram: la función del arte de la estampa en la concepción de Aby Warburg respecto del proceso de liberación astrológica, en la época del Renacimiento y la Reforma


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Autor: Oviedo Salazar, Mauricio
Formato: artículo original
Estado:Versión publicada
Fecha de Publicación:2017
Descripción:The Hamburguer art historian Aby Warburg began his academic career in the late nineteenth century. Allmost all of his research and projects focused on determining what was the influence and therefore the survival of Classical Antiquity in post-classical times (Nachleben der Antike). To answer that question Warburg took as its starting point an specific period: the Italian Quattrocento, seen as the moment Antiquity, through the plastic and literary representation of the intensified movement, begins to take a closer form to its Olympian past, and simultaneously initiates the dispossessing of the medieval-astrological attire of which it had served, among other means, to survive during the Middle ages. This process of liberation that carried out the Greek gods was closely linked to the astrological emancipation that human being, who sought to change his relationship with the various irrational forces that prevailed at the time, began; in this specific case we refer to planets, which were the Greek gods who had taken the form of astral demons. Then the man made a struggle to free himself from the astral fatalist chains that determined his life, directing himself to a state of self determination and control of inflows provided by the planetary bodies. This battle is prolonged in a way that it reached and affected the Reformation Project led by Martin Luther.In this context, the arts played a key role in the conflict, especially the art of print. With this in mind, in this resarch we try to answer the following question: What methodological role played the images coming from the art of print, in the conception of Aby Warburg about the Renaissance as a period in which a struggle was developed for the liberation of the forces that exerted the astrological demons, in the sense of a step to the intelectual and religious emancipation of modern man? In order to develop our response we will study the concepts of Warburg linked to the struggle for the astrological liberation, and we will use the artistic oeuvre that comes from the art of print used by the Hamburguer throughout his writings.
País:Portal de Revistas UCR
Institución:Universidad de Costa Rica
Repositorio:Portal de Revistas UCR
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